Congratulations to the winners of the MonBUG 2017 summer hackathon!

Congratulations to the winners of the MonBUG 2017 summer hackathon!

The winners are Loic Bruneau, Laurence Liang, Stephen Lu, Johann Akré, Jules Lambert, and Thomas Rademaker.

In just 24 hours they were able design and write a program able to classify DNA variants according to their functional impact,
by parsing the existing scientific literature on the variants, and training their model on a subset of variants that had been classified.

It was great fun, and a great team.
Thank you to the organizers of Startupfest and Hackerfest for inviting us.
We’ll definitely be back next year.


Our regular meetings will start again in September.
We already have a few good talks lined up.
As always, if you’d like to give a talk, either to present your own research or to give a tutorial, don’t hesitate to contact one of the organizers.
We’re always looking for enthusiastic presenters.

To register for our meetings, just register on


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