May Meeting

We are pleased to annonce that we organize our first online workshop in bioinformatics field on 11 May at 4:30 pm. You will listen to Dre Virginie Calderon, manager at IRCM Bioinformatics Core Facility.

Title: How to single cell?

Resume : This training will give you an overview of single cell experiment and the different protocols (scRNA, snATAC, VDJ, surface protein, cell hashing…). We will deepen scRNA-seq analysis from quality control, differential expression to pseudotime/velocity.

Research area :

Two ways to join the meeting :

You can register for the meeting on our Meetup Page, then:

via jitsi (link available on RSVP)
via YouTube Live:

See you soon!
PS: If you want to present in a future event, contact us via Meetup or by email at info[AT]

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